5 Tips To Improve Your Day-To-Day Life

And Summon The Dark Lord

Norm de Plume
2 min readJun 1, 2020
Squares and curly bits of confetti scattered on a pink surface.
Photo by Seyedeh Hamideh Kazemi on Unsplash

It doesn’t matter whether things are going great or not so great for you right now, everyone can benefit from following these tips every day until the end of days.

1. Caffeine

We all love our coffee and it’s a great way to jumpstart your engine in the morning, but if you find yourself reaching for a couple of Red Bulls throughout the day you’re probably overdoing it! Too much caffeine can make you irritable around your coworkers and impatient for the Eternal Eclipse. Remember, red bulls are for sacrifice on the Blood Altar, not for drinking from the Skull of the Fallen (certain rituals not withstanding of course).

2. Hydration

We don’t live in the Sahara desert so why are we dehydrated like we are? Get one of those big sixty-four once water bottles and commit to finishing at least one per day. Better hydration means fewer headaches and you’ll be able to perform at your physical peak whether you’re at the gym with your bros or enjoying a masquerade orgy with society’s true masters and possibly your gym bros.

3. Sleep

This cannot be stressed enough: make sure you’re getting enough sleep! It can be hard with deadlines and midnight séances (the spirits are always in such weird timezones). If you’re having trouble it’d be wise to master the power nap: just one twenty minute nap can leave you feeling so refreshed that no deadline or paladin will be able to stop you! Afterwards, you’ll probably have the energy to enjoy happy hour and the Hour of the Crimson Moon!

4. Vitamins

Now that you’re hydrated and getting enough sleep, it’s important to manage your vitamin intake. Not only is being deficient in certain nutrients unhealthy, but it can also create some embarrassing situations. You don’t want to get woozy because you’re low on iron at the company blood drive or when you slice your hand with the ceremonial dagger to bind your soul with the Crow’s Ether and have everyone snickering behind your back for the next week.

(Talk to your doctor or Hellth cleric for more information.)

5. Walking

It sounds too simple, but just walking around is a great, light exercise that everyone could use more of. Get yourself a Fitbit or another step counting app and make sure you walk at least 10,000 steps each and every day. This will improve your general fitness, weight and heart health; not to mention you’ll want to be ready to pound the pavement once the Gate of Zulok the Damned is flung open and our Dark Lord commands us to recapture the Citadel of Screams from the Methodists. Be sure to wear supportive sneakers with adequate arch support!

